Learn how to safely walk your cat outside (or how about building a catio)?

Micken’s (A496094) foster mom says that while Micken is a little shy and sensitive, he is also very sweet. He loves to be right next to you or on your lap. He will even lie on his back and beg for a belly rub. His best home would be one that is quiet and probably with only older kids and adults. He’s available for adoption now! (Pasadena Humane)

My late cat Bailey was an indoor cat. The only time he was ever outside was when he was first born. His momma had her litter on my parents porch one day. Of all the kittens in that litter, I chose Bailey because he was the runt. He was smaller than the rest of the kittens, and much more timid. Since I lived in a studio apartment at the time, I liked that he was small.

As it turned out though, the joke was on me because he grew up to be a gigantic bruiser of a cat that made the floorboards creak when he walked.

From the very beginning, Bailey had absolutely no interest in going outside. He enjoyed staring at the window and sunning himself, but even when I’d leave the back door open for the dogs to be able to come in and out, he would go right up to the edge of the door and sit, staring out at the backyard with a stoic expression that seemed to say, “Ew. There’s like, dirt out there. Gross.”

While Bailey was more than happy to live his entire life in a comfortable, climate controlled environment inside our home, there are cats out there that have a more adventurous side and crave the great outdoors.

Cats who live indoors are generally healthier and less at risk for injury than those who live outdoors, but many kitties can benefit from exploring the outside world in a safe and controlled manner. Learning how to leash train a cat or kitten is a great way to let them stretch their boundaries, exercise their bodies and their minds and maybe discover a part of their personalities that doesn’t always come out when they’re behind closed doors.

Very confident felines accept leash training more readily. Kittens, especially those under a year of age, also learn to accept leash training most easily, perhaps because they still have that kitten curiosity.

Cats certainly love to sleep – there is no question about that! But to stay healthy they need physical activity and mental stimulation just like we do.

Of course, not all cats are bound to love the great outdoors — and that’s OK, too. But if you think your cat would enjoy some playtime outside, let’s cover some easy steps to get you out of the house and exploring with your feline friend.

First, let’s go shopping. You never want to attach a leash to a cat’s collar because you could potentially injure their neck. A cat’s head is about the same circumference as her neck and the feline neck is pretty fragile. Besides that, a cat’s collar readily comes off over the head with tugging, and your cat may become frightened and escape. No bueno.

Instead, consider a two-in-one harness and leash that is adjustable and features a safety release in case your cat gets caught in a tight spot. The harness should feel snug but not too tight; you should be able to place two fingers between the harness and your cat’s body.

I also suggest choosing a leash that is no longer than 6 feet. I don’t recommend retractable leashes for any pet because they have the tendency to teach them to pull, and also allows them to roam a bit too far from you into unsafe territory. Given that we live in an area so close to the foothills where wildlife (such as coyotes) are close by, you never want your cat to be more than 6 feet away from you.

Now that we have the right outfit, let’s give it a try, shall we?

Get your kitty acquainted with the harness and leash. Like anything new, your cat may need some time to get used to their harness. Practice snapping the harness together or undoing the Velcro to get your kitty accustomed to those new sounds. If your cat seems reticent, try placing the harness and leash in their favorite spot, such as by the food bowl or on their favorite couch cushion.

Try fastening the harness on your cat. Once your cat becomes more comfortable around the harness, try fastening it. Pay attention to your cat’s cues: Any signs of discomfort or anxiety, such as pulling away or freezing in place, mean you should take it off, offer some positive reinforcement and wait a bit to try again later.

Practice inside the house. After your cat seems comfortable in her new harness and before venturing outdoors, practice walking her around the house. I recommend five-minute training sessions where you and your kitty practice walking on the leash and harness indoors and to encourage them with treats. Then, you can work up to longer periods of time and (finally!) start heading outside. Remember, it’s normal for cats to freeze up, refuse to walk or walk strangely the first few times they’re wearing a harness. Your cat has never experienced the sensation before, so it’s going to take time to adjust to it.

Suit up before heading out. Make sure to put the harness and leash on before you leave the safety of your house.

Don’t walk them out of the house. Carry them. A cat that’s used to walking outside when they’re leashed will likely start walking out the door when they’re not leashed as well, and you don’t want to encourage door dashing.

Start exploring! Let your kitty take the lead. Some cats may be perfectly content to lie still in the grass and soak up the sun, others may want to check out the neighborhood. Some cats may also be overwhelmed by all the new sights and sounds and want to go back inside ASAP. Follow their lead and be encouraging with treats. With dogs, we tend to want them to follow us when on leash, but with cats, it’s best to let them lead. Don’t try to force the cat to walk or move anywhere. It’s all about making the experience enjoyable for them, because as we all know, cats prefer to live life on their terms, not ours.

Like I said, living in a community that is teaming with so much wildlife, it’s risky to allow your cat to roam freely outside your home. There are predators to worry about, and while cats have an uncanny ability to always find their way back, oftentimes they lose their way or encounter another human who mistakes them for stray and brings them to a shelter. It’s best to avoid all these unnecessary risks by either harness/leash training your kitty and taking them out to explore in a more controlled environment, or allowing them to freely roam outside in a catio.

What’s a catio, you ask? It’s an enclosed patio that gives cats all the benefits of being outside, but is shielded from outside predators and keeps cats from roaming far from home. They’re seriously cool, you guys.

In fact, we’re hosting a webinar on March 31 that is all about catios! In it, we’ll explain in more detail what a catio is, why you should build one, and how to do it. You can register at pasadenahumane.org/events

Oh, and join us on Instagram Live on April 1 where we will go step-by-step on how to leash train your kitty with lots of visuals, tips and tricks. It’s going to be amazing! If you’re not already, follow us on Instagram @pasadenahumane.

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