Earlier this year, Shane Smith joined On Tour Outdoors and Crooked Wing Outfitters for a whitetail deer hunt deep in the heart of Texas. He was joined on the hunt by host Jake Murphy and fellow Texas musician and avid hunter Koe Wetzel.
Shane’s shooting was straight enough to put a tall tined 8-pointer on the ground, filling up his freezer with meat and his memory bank with another story of a successful hunt with good friends.
Like any good hunt, it ended around a campfire. And like any good country artist, Shane did what he does best, delivering a powerful rendition of his song “Whiskey & Water.”
Though the song itself isn’t about hunting, the lyrics do touch on a few things every hunter has experienced – flinging arrows, driving through the dark of night, and borderline unbearable cold.
Check out the full performance below and make sure to come back for the full episode when it drops.