Twenty-five years after the original Broadway cast production of Rent, HBO has released the trailer for the upcoming documentary Revolution Rent. Executive produced by Neil Patrick Harris, the film will debut on HBO and be available to stream on HBO Max June 15th.
In the new trailer, co-director Andy Señor Jr., who portrayed Angel in the original cast, chronicles his journey to stage the musical in Cuba, the first commercial American production to be performed in Havana, Cuba, in over 50 years. He faces his own journey of self-discovery as he returns to the homeland of his exiled parents for the first time, exploring his heritage and the complicated relationship many Cubans have with history, identity, and their country’s legacy.
“If I can just affect a small group of people,” he tells his skeptical family in the trailer, “that’s my part. That’s enough.”
The film follows Señor Jr. as he develops the groundbreaking production, from technical issues through rehearsals and opening night, highlighting the many setbacks and triumphs that he, his cast, and crew face as they begin to form a familial bond throughout the process. “When we give ourselves,” he explains, “we create possibilities and opportunities for others.”