New reports from the United Kingdom have Harry Potter fans sending their best wishes to Tom Felton, the actor known best for playing Draco Malfoy. According to the press, the actor collapsed just recently at a celebrity golf match ahead of the Ryder Cup event. Photos taken at the event show the actor being held up by teammates before being ferried away for medical treatment.
At this point, Felton has yet to comment on the situation, and his camp has been quiet as well. The event managers of the match have also kept quiet, leaving fans to keep the actor in their thoughts as they await an update on his condition. The game was held earlier in Wisconsin today.
Photos taken at the event show Felton on the ground with teammates surrounding him, and staff rushed in to check on his condition. The actor, 34, was alert if not exhausted by the ordeal. After being moved to sit in a nearby cart, Felton was put into a different vehicle where he was laid down and driven away. The collapse happened once Felton reached the course’s 18th hole as he and others were practicing ahead of the actual match.
Recently, Felton has taken part in charity events between the United States and the UK while shining awareness on the pandemic. Not long ago, the actor took time to celebrate his 33rd birthday with fans on Twitter where he thanked everyone for their continued support.
“33 years done – good lord it’s been so much fun getting here – yet, somehow, I still feel the best is yet to come – thank you all for your love, support & sense of humour – let’s keep a good thing going – to the next 33,” he wrote.
For those unfamiliar with the actor, Felton made his debut in 1997 before landing his breakout role in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in 2001. From a young age, the Surrey actor was associated with the wizarding world as he played Draco Malfoy, a regular antagonist whose character grew along with the J.K. Rowling novels. Most recently, the actor starred in A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting and Braking for Whales.