Walt Disney Animation Studios has released the new trailer for Encanto, their latest feature film that will debut exclusively in movie theaters later this year. The new film, which features all-new songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton, Moana), has also revealed a new poster and confirmed another star, revealing that actor John Leguizamo will lend his voice to the part of Uncle Bruno in the film. Encanto follows the Madrigals, an extraordinary family who live in the wondrous, charmed titular place. According to a press release, within the movie, “each child has been blessed with a magic gift unique to them-each child except Mirabel. But when the family’s home is threatened, Mirabel may be their only hope.” Check out the trailer below!
Stephanie Beatriz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, In the Heights) will voice Mirabel in the film, joined by María Cecilia Botero as Mirabel’s grandmother Alma aka Abuela; Angie Cepeda and Wilmer Valderrama as Mirabel’s parents, Julieta and Agustín; and Diane Guererro and Jessica Darrow as Mirabel’s sisters, Isabela and Luisa. Others in the voice castin clude Carolina Gaitán and Mauro Castillo as Mirabel’s aunt and uncle, Pepa and Félix; and Adassa, Rhenzy Feliz and Ravi Cabot-Conyers as Mirabel’s cousins Dolores, Camilo and Antonio, respectively.
“I was so pumped to be asked to the party,” Leguizamo said in a statement. “Lin-Manuel [Miranda] wrote me a rap, and I flipped out! Plus, this is such a beautiful story set in Colombia. It’s a first in so many ways. The magic is enchanting, the comedy is so sharp, and the world created is irresistible.”
“Mirabel is a really funny, loving character who also deeply yearns for something more,” Beatriz previously said. “She’s also not afraid to stand up for what she knows is right — something I love and relate to very much….I’m Colombian on my father’s side, and playing this role fills me with immense pride. As a Disney kid, I’d burn through my VHS tapes and adored every single magical story that the world of Disney introduced me to. I learned in those that stories that anything is possible, especially if you believe in magic and the goodness rooted deep inside us all.”
Academy Award winners Byron Howard and Jared Bush (Zootopia) will direct the film which is co-directed by Charise Castro Smith (writer “The Death of Eva Sofia Valdez”) and produced by Clark Spencer and Yvett Merino. Bush and Castro Smith are the credited screenwriters for the film.
Encanto will be released exclusively in movie theaters on November 24.