Month: September 2023

Grassroots Conservative supporters are saying they want to oust Rishi Sunak and “go to war” with the liberal wing of the party in leaked WhatsApp messages obtained by Sky News. We have obtained the discussions amongst members of the Conservative Democratic Organisation (CDO), founded in December 2022 by donor and Johnson-backer Lord Peter Cruddas after
Ties have officially been cut between Michael Oher and the Tuohys. A Tennessee judge Friday ended the conservatorship that previously allowed Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy to control the finances for the former NFL player, according to AP. In his petition to the court, Oher alleged the couple tricked him into a conservatorship to secure
Sep 30, 2023THNRansomware / Cyber Threat The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is warning of a new trend of dual ransomware attacks targeting the same victims, at least since July 2023. “During these attacks, cyber threat actors deployed two different ransomware variants against victim companies from the following variants: AvosLocker, Diamond, Hive, Karakurt, LockBit,
Rishi Sunak has said he is “slamming the brakes on the war on motorists” – with the government confirming that councils will be stopped from enforcing blanket 20mph speed limits. Low-traffic neighbourhoods are also in the prime minister’s crosshairs and will only be permitted where there is local consent. The Department for Transport added that
Sep 30, 2023THNEmail Security / Hacking News Multiple security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in the Exim mail transfer agent that, if successfully exploited, could result in information disclosure and remote code execution. The list of flaws, which were reported anonymously way back in June 2022, is as follows – CVE-2023-42114 (CVSS score: 3.7) – Exim