Only Murders in the Building Season 4 Episode 6 Review: Blow-Up

Only Murders in the Building Season 4 Episode 6 Review: Blow-Up


Critic’s Rating: 4.5 / 5.0


Well, that was a twisty little ride on Only Murders in the Building Season 4, Episode 6! The pieces are still a bit scrambled, but we are getting closer to solving Sazz’s murder.

The Brothers sisters’ clever “found film” documentary might make them seem less suspicious, but with their connection to Dudenoff, it’s not quite time to cross them off the murder board just yet.

Now, we have two murders to figure out, and their ties to the Westies are too significant to ignore. Even though they seemed genuinely shocked and upset upon learning of Dudenoff’s death, something still doesn’t sit right.

Only Murders in the Building Season 4 Episode 6 Review: Blow-UpHoward
(Disney/Patrick Harbron)

And if that wasn’t enough, Jan Bellows has resurfaced in New York — or maybe she never left! Could she be connected to these murders as well?

Let’s dig in and unravel all the new twists and revelations.

Lights, Camera, Action!

It’s pretty funny that our trio didn’t have lawyers review their contract for the movie. You’d think Oliver and Charles would know better!

Instead, signing their “life rights” away meant giving the Brothers’ sisters permission to install cameras in all of their apartments.

What’s even stranger is how the cameras were installed without their knowledge. You’d think they’d get a heads-up, at least.

Maybe the sisters wanted to capture our trio in their rawest moments to create a more compelling documentary — or maybe there’s something deeper going on.

A Brothers sister.A Brothers sister.
(Disney/Patrick Harbron)

The big reveal about their connection to Dudenoff and Vince Fish was definitely a surprise. And there are still several reasons to keep them in the running for being part of the murder plot.

For starters, there’s Dudenoff’s cryptic statement during their film class: “Chaos could be good art.” I don’t think this refers to the chaos of the photo shoot; it feels more connected to Sazz’s murder.

If we entertain the theory that Sazz isn’t really dead, and this is all part of an elaborate movie hoax, it would make sense.

It goes back to what I mentioned in my review of Only Murders in the Building Season 1 Episode 4 — that a murder could be good publicity for the film.

Otherwise, why all the hidden cameras? It’s just odd. The most logical explanation is they’re using the cameras to keep tabs on our trio.

On another note, if Sazz is truly dead and Charles, Oliver, and Mabel were the real targets, with Fish and the Westies involved (which they clearly are), that still doesn’t clear the Brothers sisters from suspicion.

Why? Even though there’s that mystery camera in Charles’ apartment, the sisters installed all the other cameras, so who’s to say they didn’t install that one or, at the very least, allow the unknown stalker to tag along and access everyone’s apartment?

A Brothers sister.A Brothers sister.
(Disney/Patrick Harbron)

Of course, the issue with this theory is why they would need an extra camera if they already had so many. The fact that the camera is live suggests it serves a different purpose, but it still raises questions.

Speaking of cameras, Uma’s snappy comment about the lobby cameras being installed in the Arconia was hilarious. Easily the best zinger of the episode!

Uma: Look at this! Because of you, they’ve installed cameras everwhere in case we’re murdered. Can’t cut a far or steal a newspaper anymore without being watched!

(Disney/Patrick Harbron)

The sisters seemed genuinely shaken after learning about Dudenoff’s death, but I’m still not convinced they’re entirely innocent.

If someone’s cashing Dudenoff’s social security checks, who’s to say the Sisters aren’t pocketing some of that money to stay quiet, even if they didn’t pull the trigger?

And why would they have a grudge against our trio in the first place?

Which brings us to the Westies.

Go Spill Some Blood in My Name, Girls

Vince Fish is a crafty character. So is Rudy with his rotating collection of ugly Christmas sweaters

Remember when Charles and Eugene Levy tried to trick Vince into removing his eye patch? At first, he ducked into the bathroom to put in eye drops, only then removing the patch to prove he had pink eye.

Vince FishVince Fish
(Disney/Patrick Harbron)

Now that we know Fish is an actor, coupled with the fact that the patch was on the other eye when the trio confronted him about his connection to the Brothers’ Sisters, he was clearly using a prosthetic to fake the pink eye.

And let’s not forget the drone. Vince and Rudy’s possession of one with a camera puts the Westies right back at the top of the suspect list after dropping a few notches in favor of the Brothers sisters!

I’m not buying their story about how they got the drone for a second. They were caught off guard when the trio arrived and had to scramble for an excuse. But the way they explained it? It’s totally fishy.

Plus, what better way to keep an eye on our trio when they’re not in their apartments than with a drone?

Christmas All the Time GuyChristmas All the Time Guy
(Disney/Patrick Harbron)

There’s also the window incident. It was completely stuck when Charles and Eugene were there, but Vince and Rudy had no trouble opening it. Convenient, right?

But the biggest red flag is their shocked reaction when Charles mentioned Dudenoff was in New York. It was the kind of reaction you’d expect from someone who thought their victim was gone for good.

The real question, though, is why would they want Charles and the others dead.

One theory is that Fish is jealous. Maybe he’s bitter that Charles and the gang landed a film deal while he’s a seemingly failed actor. 

Maybe once he realized the Brother sisters were involved, he snapped, angry they made it big without him (and maybe even attempt to implicate the Brothers sisters in the process). 

If Dudenoff was killed around the same time as Sazz, it’s possible it was all part of the same conspiracy.

Oliver and HowardOliver and Howard
(Disney/Patrick Harbron)

I doubt they’d go so far as to preserve Dudenoff’s body just to keep cashing his social security checks – though with the Sauce family, who knows?

They might have a trick or two up their sleeves, especially considering that ham leg hanging in their bathroom.

Which brings us to Jan Bellows. 

She’s Baack!!

Our trio was floored when Det. Williams dropped the bombshell that Jan had been spotted in New York City. Maybe she never left after all.

Given that she’s already tried to kill Charles once, it’s no stretch to think she could be involved in this murder conspiracy.

It wouldn’t be far-fetched for her to have a grudge against Oliver and Mabel, too — after all, they were the ones who helped save Charles and get her locked up.

Oliver and HowardOliver and Howard
(Disney/Patrick Harbron)

And maybe that’s exactly what Sazz was investigating. Could Sazz have been the real target all along?

We don’t necessarily have to believe that Jan showed up in Charles’ apartment on Only Murders in the Building Season 4 Episode 2 to help him solve Sazz’s murder.

What if she’s the one who planted the cameras in their apartments? She knows how to navigate those secret tunnels, so sneaking in to plant them would have been easy for her.

Here’s another thought: I’m not sure of the exact layout of Charles’ apartment, but was Jan living in the west building?

If so — or even if not — what if she’s the crossed-out figure in the picture Vince had in his apartment? Maybe Vince crossed her out after her arrest to sever any connection the Westies had to killer Jan.

Why she’d be involved in Dudenoff’s murder is still unclear, but there must be some connection.

It’s possible she’s pulling the strings to use the Westies in her plan to get rid of our trio. And maybe she’s even cashing Dudenoff’s checks to fund her time on the run.

Mabel investigates.Mabel investigates.
(Disney/Patrick Harbron)

One thing is certain: Jan isn’t out of Charles’ life yet. It’ll be interesting to see how that plays out. She very well could have been the shooter, and she might even be the one sending those menacing texts to the trio.

If she did install that live hidden camera, there’s a good chance she’s acting alone, manipulating everyone around her in true Jan fashion.

Speaking of cameras, here’s a twist to chew on: Howard’s camera on Gravy. Could you imagine if Howard was somehow involved in all of this?

Gravy’s camera is oddly similar to the live one the trio found, and if anyone holds a grudge against Mabel, it’s Howard. She could definitely be next on the hit list.

Only Murders in the Building Season 4 Episode 6 was packed with twists and turns, keeping us all on our toes. No other show keeps you guessing quite like this one!

The Beginning of the End?

Aside from all the twists and turns in this episode, Oliver’s spontaneous proposal to Loretta over the phone was a real surprise!

Bev is shocked.Bev is shocked.
(Disney/Patrick Harbron)

Good on him for realizing that if he wants her in his life, he shouldn’t wait—though nearly being killed at the photo shoot probably gave him that push. It was a bold move, putting his heart on the line like that.

Of course, Loretta wasn’t exactly able to answer him properly, being gauzed up from head to toe while filming a scene.

So when Oliver took her lack of response as a rejection, his reaction felt genuine. Still, he handled it a lot better than expected, even though it wasn’t really an answer either way.

Will she say yes? I have my doubts. She’s juggling too much, and Oliver isn’t going to leave New York. Sooner or later, he’ll realize it’s not going to work, no matter how much he wants it to. Long-distance relationships are tough.

But Oliver’s proposal shows some serious character growth, and I’m loving it. It’s clear he’s starting to understand what truly matters in life.

What do you think, Arconiacs? Are we any closer to solving this mystery? And what was your favorite moment from the episode? Drop your thoughts in the comments below!

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