Weekly Shonen Jump’s hit manga Kagurabachi by Takeru Hokazono is still due for an anime adaptation. The manga debuted in September 2023 and has released four volumes so far. The manga releases new chapters every week on the official app of Manga Plus where 63 chapters have already been released. The story follows Chihiro Rokuhira who embarks on a journey to reclaim the enchanted blades stolen from his father. After tragedy strikes, he is driven by revenge and the burden of his father’s legacy. Chihiro’s enemies only know of the six enchanted blades, but his father created a seventh one for his son.
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Because the enchanted blades possess unimaginable powers, they could be deadly weapons in someone else’s hands. AnimeJapan 2025 is an upcoming event that will share exciting news about several anime projects. The website has also launched a poll nominating 47 series for fans to vote as manga they want to see animated. However, unlike 2024, Kagurabachi isn’t nominated this year. This is the same thing that happened with Sakamoto Days, which wasn’t nominated in 2024 and announced an anime adaptation in the same year. The anime debuted as part of the Winter 2025 lineup and received positive reviews. Considering AnimeJapan 2025 is dropping an indirect hint, it’s reasonable to expect an announcement sometime this year.
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Kagurabachi Has Sparked Anime Rumors Several Times in the Past
Aside from speculations surrounding AnimeJapan 2025, Kagurabachi anime rumors have been circulating since July 2024. According to a report, Shueisha applied to trademark Kagurabachi across various categories, including animation. These trademarks are crucial for securing rights related to anime projects, leading Kagurabachi fans to view this piece of information as an encouraging sign.
Additionally, Toyo Keizai reported that CygamesPictures, being labeled as a “Cyberagent x Shochiku Production” will be working on the anime adaptation. However, the report has yet to be confirmed by an official source. Cyberagent is the studio behind popular idol drama, Oshi no Ko. In the same month, Netflix also once teased Kagurabachi and Akane-banashi anime adaptations.
The official X account of Netflix Japan shared a trailer titled, “With Friends, Jump Anime, and Netflix” featuring brief glimpses of the already adapted anime like One Piece, Sakamoto Days, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Blue Box. The caption reads, “A huge collection of Jump anime titles on Netflix! You can enjoy classic anime and the latest hits on Netflix!.” Unexpectedly, the trailer also shows panels from Kagurabachi and Akane-banashi’s mangas, sparking rumors about Netflix acquiring the anime rights of other Shonen Jump hits like Sakamoto Days.
Since Kagurabachi currently has only 63 chapters, it may be enough to create a 12 or 13-episode season. It’s usually too early for an anime to announce an adaptation but the studio may have begun production sooner than normal. Anime Japan 2025 will be held in March, but nothing about the event confirms fans will get any updates regarding Kagurabachi. Considering the manga’s popularity, we might get an announcement this year.
H/T: Anime Japan