
Latest research has demonstrated a new exploit that enables arbitrary data to be uploaded from devices that are not connected to the Internet by simply sending “Find My Bluetooth” broadcasts to nearby Apple devices. “It’s possible to upload arbitrary data from non-internet-connected devices by sending Find My [Bluetooth Low Energy] broadcasts to nearby Apple devices
In an hour-long press briefing, Discovery CEO David Zaslav and AT&T CEO John Stankey outlined plans for the companies’ $43 billion merger. “We’re going to be one company,” Zaslav said. “One company, one culture, one mission.” As to the timing of the deal, Stankey said he felt the entertainment portfolio had achieved “escape velocity” in
A government minister has said he did not approve of moves to break from government guidelines on the rollout of vaccines in areas where the Indian variant has been found – as London’s mayor called for more flexibility. Asked whether he approved of authorities in Bolton vaccinating “anyone who wants it”, Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng
In today’s digital world, password security is more important than ever. While biometrics, one-time passwords (OTP), and other emerging forms of authentication are often touted as replacements to the traditional password, today, this concept is more marketing hype than anything else. But just because passwords aren’t going anywhere anytime soon doesn’t mean that organizations don’t