
In a Venn diagram of modern diasporic and postcolonial novels, there would be a healthy amount of overlap. Though these terms are contested and not always clear-cut, both frequently grapple with the legacy of powerful nations carving up distant territories. In both, experiences of multiculturalism and inequality may be core to personal as well as
The Ripped Bodice has come out with their fifth annual State of Racial Diversity in Romance Report and, spoiler alert, the overwhelming whiteness in romance publishing that they identified in 2016 has not been solved. The Racial Diversity Report looks at the largest romance publishers and tracks the percentage of the titles published that year that
Amidst Sunday night’s half-virtual/half-physical Golden Globes awards ceremony–which was riddled with technical glitches and overshadowed by controversy over the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s lack of Black representation in its cloistered ranks–one moment stood out as possibly the most powerful and clearly the most moving of the evening. That was when Taylor Simone Ledward, the widow
The month of March signals a grim milestone with it being roughly one year since COVID-19 shut movie theaters down around the world. And 12 months later, going to a cinema remains a risky proposition. However, the comfort of Netflix is still providing a safe alternative for the quarantine-bound. Here’s a handful of new cinematic
What if The X-Files or Fringe had a grand unified theory that attributed all of the mysterious phenomena its government operatives investigated to one cause? Such is the question posed by Debris, J. H. Wyman’s latest sci-fi offering premiering on NBC March 1. The series’ title refers to pieces of wreckage from an alien spacecraft