
Rising cases of the Indian COVID variant could delay the easing of restrictions and force the government to impose local lockdowns, a minister has warned. When asked if the proposed end of restrictions in England on 21 June may not go ahead as planned, Environment Secretary George Eustice told Sky News: “We cannot rule anything
A government minister has said he did not approve of moves to break from government guidelines on the rollout of vaccines in areas where the Indian variant has been found – as London’s mayor called for more flexibility. Asked whether he approved of authorities in Bolton vaccinating “anyone who wants it”, Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng
Easing restrictions in England next week is the right thing to do, the government has said, after a warning that it might cause a “substantial resurgence” in hospital admissions. Health minister Edward Argar urged people to behave responsibly as lockdown measures are relaxed across England on Monday. It comes amid mounting concern over the spread
The inquiry into the Iraq War cast a huge shadow over British politics. Over a year of hearings dominated the agenda. The 2.6 million-word Chilcot report released five years later, however, made comparatively little impact on day-to-day politics, dissolving like fog in bright sunlight. There were similarities with the Hutton report into the circumstances of