
The government is pushing ahead with plans for primary school and older secondary school children to return to classrooms next week – although a senior minister admitted “we always keep things under review”. There have been calls for the return of pupils after the Christmas holidays to be delayed until later in January, in a
Plans are under way for the new post-Brexit trade deal to be implemented, as EU ambassadors praised the bloc’s “resilience” during negotiations. Brussels’ chief negotiator Michel Barnier updated representatives of all the 27 countries on Christmas Day after yesterday’s last-minute breakthrough. He arrived at the event in Brussels in a mask, carrying a hefty blue
Boris Johnson has said the Brexit trade agreement is his Christmas present to the country – serving as “the feast” after he promised an “oven ready deal”. The prime minister also used his Christmas message to say he believes the agreement will be the basis of a “happy and successful” relationship with the EU. Speaking
In the waning days of the Trump administration, construction crews are rapidly working to finish the US-Mexico border wall as President-elect Joe Biden pledges to bring construction to a halt. CNN’s Ed Lavandera reports on the what the future may hold for one of Trump’s biggest initiatives and the controversy surrounding it. #EdLavandera #BorderWall #CNN
More areas could be moved into Tier 4 after Christmas given the “very worrying” new coronavirus variant, a cabinet minister has told Sky News. Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick said the mutation “is very concentrated in London and the South East”, where full lockdown measures are already imposed. “We’ve now had time to think again about
More areas in England could be placed into Tier 4 restrictions – equivalent to a lockdown – as the variant COVID strain spreads across the country, the government’s chief scientific adviser has suggested. London and vast swathes of southeast England have already been put into tightened measures due to the high presence of the new