
Apr 07, 2023Ravie LakshmananCyber Threat / Online Security In yet another sign that Telegram is increasingly becoming a thriving hub for cybercrime, researchers have found that threat actors are using the messaging platform to peddle phishing kits and help set up phishing campaigns. “To promote their ‘goods,’ phishers create Telegram channels through which they educate
Apr 07, 2023Ravie Lakshmanan Microsoft said it teamed up with Fortra and Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Health-ISAC) to tackle the abuse of Cobalt Strike by cybercriminals to distribute malware, including ransomware. To that end, the tech giant’s Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) revealed that it secured a court order in the U.S. to “remove
We saw multiple new smartphone announcements this year, including the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S23 series, OnePlus 11 5G, and much more. Nevertheless, several leading brands such as Google, Xiaomi, Samsung, Realme, and Vivo are gearing up to unveil new devices in the coming days. While Poco is reportedly looking to unveil Poco F5
Critical infrastructure attacks are a preferred target for cyber criminals. Here’s why and what’s being done to protect them. What is Critical Infrastructure and Why is It Attacked? Critical infrastructure is the physical and digital assets, systems and networks that are vital to national security, the economy, public health, or safety. It can be government-
Apr 05, 2023Ravie LakshmananCyber Threat / Malware Portuguese users are being targeted by a new malware codenamed CryptoClippy that’s capable of stealing cryptocurrency as part of a malvertising campaign. The activity leverages SEO poisoning techniques to entice users searching for “WhatsApp web” to rogue domains hosting the malware, Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 said in
Microsoft has announced plans to automatically block embedded files with “dangerous extensions” in OneNote following reports that the note-taking service is being increasingly abused for malware delivery. Up until now, users were shown a dialog warning them that opening such attachments could harm their computer and data, but it was possible to dismiss the prompt
Apr 03, 2023Ravie LakshmananCyber Attack / Data Security Data storage devices maker Western Digital on Monday disclosed a “network security incident” that involved unauthorized access to its systems. The breach is said to have occurred on March 26, 2023, enabling an unnamed third party to gain access to a “number of the company’s systems.” Following
Mar 31, 2023The Hacker NewsWebinar / Incident response Organizations rely on Incident response to ensure they are immediately aware of security incidents, allowing for quick action to minimize damage. They also aim to avoid follow on attacks or future related incidents. The SANS Institute provides research and education on information security. In the upcoming webinar,