There’s a famous piece of horror movie history going up for sale … the axe from the Stanley Kubrick masterpiece “The Shining” … but you’re gonna need some crazy deep pockets. The axe is remembered for the scenes towards the end of the film, including the one where Jack Nicholson‘s character uses it to break
Parishioners attend the 73rd Easter Sunrise Service at Green Hills Memorial Park, hosted by San Pedro’s Pastors Fellowship and the Alive worship band, in Rancho Palos Verdes on Sunday, April 17, 2022.(Photo by Axel Koester, Contributing Photographer) The holiest day on the Christian calendar was a greeted with uplifting celebrations for rebirth and redemption around
A portable nuclear device containing radioactive material that could be a danger to public safety has gone missing in the US state of Pennsylvania. Authorities are currently searching for the device, which belongs to local construction inspection company KAKS and Company LLC. The state’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) said the device, a portable nuclear
Cisco has released patches to contain a critical security vulnerability affecting the Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) that could be abused by an unauthenticated, remote attacker to take control of an affected system. Tracked as CVE-2022-20695, the issue has been rated 10 out of 10 for severity and enables an adversary to bypass authentication controls and
Traditionally, Easter Sunday in the Black church is exuberant. From the Saturday following Good Friday to the day itself, Black hair salons are booked and buzzing as the smell of hair oils and smoke from hot iron combs permeates the air. Black children, tired from Easter egg festivities and or rehearsals for the church play,
New allegations have emerged regarding lockdown parties in Downing Street – with Labour claiming Boris Johnson has “deliberately misled the British people at every turn”. The prime minister has already been fined once for breaking COVID rules on his birthday in 2020, but that is said to be regarded as the least problematic of a