If you venture into any part of the anime community, eventually you’ll come across a debate that has raged for decades. Dubs v. subs. The argument has been ongoing ever since anime first started gaining a large audience outside of Japan. Some prefer watching anime with an English dub. Others prefer watching the original Japanese
The surprising death of Virgil Abloh, founder of fashion label Off-White and current menswear artistic director at Louis Vuitton, caught the world off-guard today. Abloh was 41. Louis Vuitton and Abloh’s personal Instagram account confirmed his passing. It was revealed the Chicago native had battled cardiac angiosarcoma, a rare and aggressive cancer, for at least
A new Iranian threat actor has been discovered exploiting a now-addressed critical flaw in the Microsoft Windows MSHTML platform to target Farsi-speaking victims with a new PowerShell-based information stealer designed to harvest extensive details from infected machines. “[T]he stealer is a PowerShell script, short with powerful collection capabilities — in only ~150 lines, it provides
Thanksgiving kicked off the holiday season and we don’t just mean in terms of family, food, and celebration. It also marked the kickoff of holiday entertainment, with Christmas movies and specials back to bring even more cheer. And when it comes to those holiday specials, there were a few Christmas classics that dominated the weekend
The health secretary has said it is going to be a “great Christmas” as he defended not imposing stricter restrictions to combat the new COVID variant. Sajid Javid told Trevor Phillips On Sunday it would be “irresponsible to make guarantees” but the measures announced this week in reaction to the Omicron variant will “buy us