Once a symbol for a certain level of stoner status, the bong — along with the rest of cannabis culture — has gone through a bit of a renaissance over the past few years. The general premise of the bong hasn’t changed much: most still require packing a bowl full of ground up weed, lighting
Two new communities the size of Diamond Bar are on the drawing boards in Los Angeles County’s northern frontier. Both would contain more than 19,000 new homes built over the next two decades, transforming undeveloped valleys and hillsides into houses, schools, libraries and parks. Both ultimately would house more than 57,000 residents in nine new
Derek Chauvin’s trial has heard the fatal case of George Floyd “wasn’t policing, this was murder”, as both sides made their closing arguments. The jury has now been sent out and will start considering its verdict over Mr Floyd‘s death in the US city of Minneapolis last year. Former police officer Chauvin has pleaded not
In Mexico, native healers known as the curanderos used cannabis, or pipiltzintzintli, in their practice to treat a variety of conditions. The shamans believed there was a correlation between medicinal plants and divine spirits, a notion that didn’t sit well with the Spanish church. “Towards the end of the 17th Century, the Catholic Church caught