Merle Haggard… one of a kind. And today, we’re digging into the Merle Haggard vault for another awesome Hag story, this time outta 2009. According to CMT, Merle Haggard was accepting a career achievement award from Country Radio Broadcasters back in 2009 when an Emmylou Harris tribute performance of “Kern River” brought back a memory
Amidst Sunday night’s half-virtual/half-physical Golden Globes awards ceremony–which was riddled with technical glitches and overshadowed by controversy over the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s lack of Black representation in its cloistered ranks–one moment stood out as possibly the most powerful and clearly the most moving of the evening. That was when Taylor Simone Ledward, the widow
A single shot of either the Oxford-AstraZeneca or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines is more than 80% effective at preventing hospitalisation among the over 80s, the health secretary has said. Speaking at a Downing Street news conference, Matt Hancock hailed “exciting new data” showing the effectiveness of the two COVID-19 jabs. According to a pre-print study from Public
“You can’t reopen your economy unless you get your schools reopened,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom at the top of his press conference with legislative leaders on Monday to announce a multibillion-dollar deal aimed at enticing schools to resume in-person instruction for young students by April 1. The agreement, however, may end up penalizing districts
A framework notorious for delivering a banking Trojan has received a facelift to deploy a wider range of malware, including ransomware payloads. “The Gootkit malware family has been around more than half a decade – a mature Trojan with functionality centered around banking credential theft,” Sophos researchers Gabor Szappanos and Andrew Brandt said in a
Rishi Sunak should use this Budget to ditch the government’s pensions triple lock, lift taxes on older voters and should be wary of raising corporation taxes, according to former chancellor Ken Clarke. The intervention from Lord Clarke carries some weight, since he was the chancellor who introduced tough spending limits and tax rises in the