Gal Gadot said that filmmaker Joss Whedon threatened her career while they were working together on the DC Comics movie, Justice League. In an interview with Israel’s N12 News, Gadot was asked about previous reports regarding the contentious atmosphere on the set of Justice League, including claims that Whedon didn’t approve of Gadot’s attempts to
Subprime credit firm Provident Financial is to axe its doorstep lending arm putting 2,100 jobs at risk, blaming “changing industry and regulatory” dynamics. The lender has faced growing customer complaints and an investigation by the City regulator, and earlier this year offered to set up a £50m fund to try to resolve compensation claims. It
The Duchess of Sussex has appeared on TV for the first time since her and Prince Harry’s tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey. Meghan pre-recorded a video message for the Global Citizen VAX Live concert, where she said women had been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Live COVID updates from the UK and around the world Image:
Four Eastern European nationals face 20 years in prison for Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization (RICO) charges after pleading guilty to providing bulletproof hosting services between 2008 and 2015, which were used by cybercriminals to distribute malware to financial entities across the U.S. The individuals, Aleksandr Grichishkin, 34, and Andrei Skvortsov, 34, of Russia; Aleksandr Skorodumov,