
The adaptation of Shakespeare’s lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers story Much Ado About Nothing, titled Anyone But You, has grossed $189 million globally, making it the second highest-grossing live-action Shakespeare adaptation ever. The only other live-action adaptation of the Bard’s to beat it — if we aren’t counting 2019’s Lion King, since it is CGI — is Baz Luhrmann’s
Welcome to Today in Books, where we report on literary headlines at the intersection of politics, culture, media, and more. Suspense-thriller fans, take note! We’ve got an exclusive excerpt of The Guest by B.A. Paris today on Book Riot. And it’s Tuesday, so you know I’m picking the “it books” of the week. Keep a-scrolling! West Virginia House Passes
We know that the groups and individuals behind book bans are angling for more than just books. The books are an easy target since they require significant investment on behalf of schools and libraries to move through a review process. Books have always been low-hanging fruit for censors throughout history because they represent information, they