
This article contains spoilers for GODZILLA VS. KONG. Read our spoiler-free review here. As Godzilla vs. Kong enters its third act, multiple plotlines are coming to a head: an exploration team led by Dr. Nathan Lind (Alexander Skarsgard) and Dr. Ilene Andrews (Rebecca Hall) has followed Kong through a tunnel from Antarctica to the center
This Supergirl review contains spoilers Supergirl Season 6 Episode 1 Supergirl is back for one last season, and they’re making it count. Kara and friends returned to finish out last season’s cliffhangers, including Brainy fighting for his life, Lex superpowering himself thanks to Leviathan, and Andrea Rojas’s life in shambles. This episode packs just about every kind
Outside of Canada, it feels like current Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and, by extension, his government, have a reputation for being cool and progressive. Trudeau’s Liberal government often talk the talk about equity and inclusion. Sadly and frustratingly, they keep making decisions that are far from walking the walk, like a recent funding cut