
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has hailed the “courage, discipline and patience of the nation” one year after he first announced a lockdown to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking at a Downing Street news conference, he said: “We suffered so many losses.” And he said we have at times been “fighting in the dark” against a
Nicola Sturgeon did not breach the ministerial code over her handling of the Alex Salmond harassment case, an independent investigation has found. The finding was made by James Hamilton, the Scottish government’s independent adviser on ministerial standards. He had been asked to examine whether Scotland’s first minister “attempted to influence the conduct of the investigation” into
The prime minister has said there will be “no change” to England’s lockdown easing roadmap, despite the NHS warning of a “significant reduction” in the supply of coronavirus vaccines next month. Speaking at a Downing Street news conference, Boris Johnson said: “Our progress along the road to freedom continues unchecked. “We remain on track to
Sky News can reveal further details contained in a report that found Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon misled parliament. Holyrood’s harassment committee also concluded that it finds it “hard to believe” she didn’t know of concerns around Alex Salmond’s behaviour before November 2017. And committee members have included a passage in their report to say
A Scottish parliamentary committee has concluded that First Minister Nicola Sturgeon misled parliament. Sky News understands that Holyrood’s harassment committee has reached the conclusion by a majority vote ahead of the publication of its final report. Members have decided that Ms Sturgeon misled the committee itself and, as such, misled parliament and potentially breached the