Leaders of IATSE locals across the country who recommended unanimously that their members ratify the union’s new film and TV contracts had a distinct advantage over opponents of the deal. While voting was underway, they had access to records showing who had voted, and who hadn’t – though not how they voted. That data was provided
A jury on Tuesday awarded nine victims more than $25 million in punitive damages in a lawsuit filed against white nationalists who participated in the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville. Defendants — including Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler, and Christopher Cantwell (also known as the “Crying Nazi” ) — were found liable for civil
The president of the CBI has called on the prime minister to “stop hiking taxes and focus on boosting investment” in a rebuke over the increasing burdens being placed on business. Lord Bilimoria will cite policies such as plans to increase corporation tax and national insurance in a speech to the business organisation’s annual conference.