
In a huge sting operation, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Australian Federal Police (AFP) ran an “encrypted chat” service called ANoM for almost 3 years to intercept 27 million messages between criminal gang members globally. Dubbed Operation Ironside (AFP), Operation Greenlight (Europol), and Operation Trojan Shield (FBI), the long-term covert probe into
Singer-songwriter Kate Vargas‘ new song “Church of the Misdirection” is a warning: You’d be wise to view the world with skeptical eyes — after all, she sings, there’s “three steps to gaining believers: disarm, deceive and attract.” “Church of the Misdirection” — premiering exclusively on The Boot — was, Vargas explains, inspired loosely by Ma
As Marvel’s new Loki series makes plain, Loki is not restricted to one timeline like us mortals. Originating as a figure in Norse mythology, innumerable writers and artists have since created their own versions of the irrepressible pseudo-god. The most famous such adaptation is, of course, Marvel’s. Since his first appearance in 1962, Marvel Loki
Rick and Morty season 5 is nearly upon us and, even among all the high-quality productions released at a rapid clip these days, the show still stands out as a unique television experience. Yes, there are a lot of amazingly well-crafted dramas (I’m looking forward to the conclusion of Better Call Saul) and this seems
Retailers enjoyed their best sales growth since the start of the pandemic last month helped by pent-up demand for clothes and accessories, industry figures show. Sales in May grew by 10% compared with the same period in 2019, before the coronavirus crisis struck, according to the British Retail Consortium-KPMG retail sales monitor. Clothing chains were
Security researchers have discovered the first known malware, dubbed “Siloscope,” targeting Windows Server containers to infect Kubernetes clusters in cloud environments. “Siloscape is heavily obfuscated malware targeting Kubernetes clusters through Windows containers,” said Unit 42 researcher Daniel Prizmant. “Its main purpose is to open a backdoor into poorly configured Kubernetes clusters in order to run