Boris Johnson has been told that the majority of Northern Ireland assembly members reject the government’s “reckless new protocol legislation”. A letter on behalf of 52 of the 90 members of the legislative assembly (MLAs) said the proposal “flies in the face of the expressed wishes of not just most businesses, but most people in
A technically sophisticated threat actor known as SeaFlower has been targeting Android and iOS users as part of an extensive campaign that mimics official cryptocurrency wallet websites intending to distribute backdoored apps that drain victims’ funds. Said to be first discovered in March 2022, the cluster of activity “hint[s] to a strong relationship with a
Amber Heard addressed the outsized role social media played in her recent defamation trial with Johnny Depp, telling Today in a new interview, “You cannot tell me that you think that this has been fair.” The six-week defamation trial, which Depp won earlier this month, spawned a deluge of social media activity, especially on Twitter,
The European Commission has warned it will take “proportionate action” to secure the legal implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol after the UK government published legislation which will override the mechanism. The commission’s vice president Maros Sefcovic said the EU viewed the UK’s actions with “significant concern” and that it would consider what steps to
There’s something above the clouds in the final trailer for Nope, director Jordan Peele’s upcoming “pop nightmare” arriving July 22. Previous previews have teased the extraterrestrial horror mysteriously hovering over a horse ranch, and in this new, three-minute clip, fans get a taste of the UFOs tormenting and abducting citizens and tourists of the California
The Interfaith Solidarity Network kicked off its 4th annual Interfaith Solidarity March with a rally on Sunday afternoon at Zelzah Park in Granada Hills Sunday, June 12,2022. Members of various religious groups and social justice organizations came together to confront racist hate and gun violence. Participants listened to speakers including Stacey Moseley, from Moms Demand
A bill to amend the Northern Ireland Protocol will be introduced in parliament today, despite claims that the move breaches international law. The bill will allow ministers to override parts of the protocol, which was agreed by the UK and European Union to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic after Brexit. Northern
The Iranian state-sponsored threat actor tracked under the moniker Lyceum has turned to using a new custom .NET-based backdoor in recent campaigns directed against the Middle East. “The new malware is a .NET based DNS Backdoor which is a customized version of the open source tool ‘,'” Zscaler ThreatLabz researchers Niraj Shivtarkar and Avinash Kumar
NEAR LYMAN, Ukraine — Crossing the final checkpoint into a battle zone feels like a consecration. The Ukrainian soldiers manning the last friendly post have a singular focus and intensity that’s lacking behind the lines. They wave us through solemnly, without smiles or chatter. We coast through the invisible barrier separating the “front” from the
The UK economy contracted by 0.3% in April, according to official figures released as the CBI, Britain’s biggest employers’ group, demanded “vital actions” from the government to prevent an inflation-driven recession. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) had been expected by economists to confirm a slight rise in gross domestic product (GDP) for the month