With 5G connectivity now official in India, most budget smartphones these days either offer better hardware sans 5G radios or slightly compromised features with 5G connectivity. With that said, there’s plenty of choice available in the sub-Rs. 20,000 smartphone segment, whether you are looking for better cameras, good battery life, faster charging, or even an IP52 rating.  Our
Paul Haggis had an “awkward one-night stand” in 2013 with an infatuated young woman, Haleigh Breest, who wanted more intimacy from the Oscar-winning filmmaker and, when there was none, made up a rape allegation for a #MeToo-adjacent 2017 lawsuit that has “utterly destroyed him,” a lawyer for Haggis told jurors Wednesday in the three-hour first
Rishi Sunak has said it is “absolutely right” that Sir Gavin Williamson resigned and admitted he has “regret” over appointing him as a cabinet minister in light of the allegations he is facing. The prime minister insisted he “did not know about any of the specific concerns” relating to Sir Gavin’s alleged “unacceptable” behaviour in
The Russia-linked APT29 nation-state actor has been found leveraging a “lesser-known” Windows feature called Credential Roaming as part of its attack against an unnamed European diplomatic entity. “The diplomatic-centric targeting is consistent with Russian strategic priorities as well as historic APT29 targeting,” Mandiant researcher Thibault Van Geluwe de Berlaere said in a technical write-up. APT29,
Back in August, Kelly Jensen wrote about how conservative propaganda led to Jamestown, Michigan voting down the library millage (tax) rate that was on the ballot, making it impossible for the library to stay open for more than a few months. Jamestown Conservatives called the librarians “groomers” who were “indoctrinating” children because they refused to
UPDATE, 11:46 PM PT: After all the rallies, all the ads, all the mudslinging, all the polls and predictions, and all the money, the overall results of the 2022 Midterm elections are up in the air heading towards the midnight hour. With Senate seats in Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, & once again pivotal Georgia too close