Pune-based developer SuperGaming has dropped the gameplay trailer for its upcoming battle-royale title Indus, right in time for Republic Day. Pre-registrations are now live on Android, with signups on iOS and iPadOS to “follow soon.” The timing couldn’t be more appropriate since the company wears its “Made-in-India” tag with pride, incorporating a touch of Indian
After two days of jury selection, counsel presented opening statements in the murder trial of Alex Murdaugh. The disbarred South Carolina attorney is accused of murdering his wife and son in June 2021. Murdaugh, fallen scion of a legal dynasty in the state’s lowcountry region, has pleaded not guilty to the double homicide charge. If
Regal parent Cineworld said it’s opted to pursue a sale of assets and the process “is well under way” with non-binding bids due February 16. The company said in a bankruptcy filing this week that it’s reached out to 30 “potential transaction parties” including many competitors. If the debtors (Cineworld and its affiliates) find one
Jan 26, 2023Ravie LakshmananCyber Threat / Phishing At least two federal agencies in the U.S. fell victim to a “widespread cyber campaign” that involved the use of legitimate remote monitoring and management (RMM) software to perpetuate a phishing scam. “Specifically, cyber criminal actors sent phishing emails that led to the download of legitimate RMM software