
End-user passwords are one of the weakest components of your overall security protocols. Most users tend to reuse passwords across work and personal accounts. They may also choose relatively weak passwords that satisfy company password policies but can be easily guessed or brute-forced. Your users may also inadvertently use breached passwords for their corporate account
Maxim model and actress Sherry Nelson is now co-hosting the wildly popular show “Movie Reviews and More.” The show has an array of celebrity guests as well as fascinating people from all over the planet. Host Brian Sebastian discovered Sherry’s co-hosting abilities and has been celebrating her subtle and charming persona ever since. I exchanged
Just dubbed Rising Star 2021 by The Hollywood Digest, Steve Hamm has a had a stellar year working at his craft in between his helicopter piloting and his voice over career. Hamm has a promising future in the entertainment industry and is predicted to have elevated success in 2021. I exchanged some intimate questions with
The innovative top of the popularity indie faction The PondHawks have been brightening the arc of humanity with their songs, including their inspirational warning message “Invisible Stranger.” With a fan base on social media of over 600 thousand, the Chicago based anomaly has been creating a buzz for years. Recognized for their outstanding lyrical stories
The U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday became the latest government agency in the country to admit its internal network was compromised as part of the SolarWinds supply chain attack. “On December 24, 2020, the Department of Justice’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) learned of previously unknown malicious activity linked to the global